Mackerel is a great source of Vitamin D

Mackerel is a great source of Vitamin D

Whenever there’s a storm coming or some other food stock-up occasion, I throw a few tins of fish in my grocery basket. They’re a perfect apocalypse food: convenient, nutritious, and versatile. And yet, they often sit there in my cabinet. I thought I’d post a few of my favorite ways to eat tuna, sardines, mackerel, and the like here in hopes of fixing that problem.

Returning from Miami to an empty fridge will probably be the perfect time to go all mad-scientist on my pantry. I use the term “pantry” lightly, of course. Anyone in New York City who can afford a space big enough for a pantry is, well, not me. Not yet, anyway. See how I’m making myself be optimistic there?

Anyway, here are are some things you can do with tinned fish.

On toast, with avocado or roasted garlic. Simply mash up the fish with a little avocado or roasted garlic and evoo. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and spread on your favorite toast.

Over salad. I will totally just toss the unadorned tinned fish into a big ol’ salad with a hard-boiled egg or two and lots of veggies, maybe some olives—a poor gal’s noicoise, of sorts. You could also mix with some Greek yogurt or olive oil and mix-ins of choice (spices, celery, etc) as you’d do with tuna and eat with your favorites.

With lemon, in pasta. You can process with olive oil, lemon, and garlic to make a paste to toss your pasta in or toss the fish in with the just-cooked pasta. Add some cracked red pepper and a side salad, and dinner is served. White wine optional but encouraged.

What foods do you stock up on and then never use? Any suggestions for how to use tinned fish?