I’m not sure if I’ve written about this before, but I’m not a big fan of New Years Eve. You always have these high expectations which are rarely fulfilled. I’ve had a few good experiences here and there (what I remember of NYE 2004 and 2005, for example, was great, and I enjoyed 2011, with the exception of having to shove a very large cop out of my way to avoid being crushed nearTimes Square), but for the most part, I can take it or leave it.

To try something different and give myself an excuse not to stress about plans (or lack there of) this year, I offered to work New Years Day. My New Years Eve plan is to catch up on laundry and develop an outline for a workshop I’m doing in January. I’m choosing to look at it as an opportunity to rest up so I can hit the ground running in 2014. It’s hard to do that with a hangover and a head full of bad decision-fog. Not like I have any sort of intimate knowledge of what that’s like or anything…

To wrap things up, here’s a picture of my last sad desk lunch of 2013. May they only get better from here.

sad desk lunch 12 31 13

Tomorrow we get a new moon and a new year on the same day, which doesn’t happen often. Regardless of how you’re spending this last day of 2013 and what you’re looking forward to in 2014, enjoy!