Focusing on life’s imperfect little moments for Real Simple‘s Get Real on the Internet Week definitely helped me laugh about the spectacular day-to-day mishaps. There were some pretty funny ones this week:

Like the time I slept through two alarm clocks:cab view

(which also happened to be the day I showed up for a meeting that wasn’t scheduled to happen until the next day)

‘Or when I spilled coffee all over my desk and breakfast (but somehow not on my white shirt):coffee breakfast

(and yes, I ate said breakfast anyway—I was hungry!)

Or when a frozen sausage flew out of my hands and landed across the room, under the stove:sausage escapee

Clearly, I was having something of a slapstick-worthy week.

One thing that went well at least was a dinner party with a couple of my best girls. We enjoyed salad and this gnocchi and roasted butternut squash dish except with spicy chicken sausage (see above) instead of lamb. One of my lady friends also made a beautiful apple cake for dessert, thus convincing me that olive oil is perfectly wonderful to bake with. I will never feel like a slacker for never buying butter again. Leave it to a math teacher to be a brilliant with baked goods.

Enjoying the company of friends in my studio apartment made me appreciate this piece I saw on Cup of Jo full of tip & tricks to  promote sanity in a small space, especially when sharing it with another full-grown human. Oh, the things we New Yorkers get used to…

A million thanks to Real Simple for hosting such a wonderful event. It was great to share the everyday madness with other bloggers, tweeters (is that a word?) and instagram-ers.

What was your last hilarious mishap?