Reading this blog, you probably think I have PMS, like, all the time, but this week it’s for real, I swear! It also just so happens that Mercury went retrograde yesterday. Awesome for communication and starting new things (aka not). I’m also still fired up from reading Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In last month, but in a way I kind of dig.

Not to go back to this topic, but dating. What the hell? As someone who values my time and respects that of other people, if I change my mind about plans I made with someone, I always cancel, even if it’s a lame excuse, so I get especially ticked off when someone blows me off without so much as a word.

IMG_2631I don’t usually call bullshit but sometimes a dude needs to be told his leaving you hanging basically implies that he thinks his time is more important than yours and well, thanks but no thanks. A gal needs that crap like a river needs rain.

In the end, I got what I wanted—a night to myself to relax and recharge and not worry about making the right “so I don’t get drunk/too hungry” snack before leaving the house. Does anyone else do that before a date? When I told my friend Madeline the story, she said, “Pour yourself a glass of wine cause you just dodged a bullet.”

Or how about some of Kombucha Brooklyn‘s red ginger in a wine glass? On a hot evening, it was perfectly crisp and spicy-sweet. I was a happy camper. Or not was—I am.

Do you cancel on dates you change your mind about or blow it off? What do you eat before a date? Do you like kombucha?