My sister told me yesterday I’ve been off the grid lately. Not totally untrue. First it was apartment-hunting, and now apartment-improving. Last night, we spent over six hours cleaning the kitchen. Since we’re not moving this summer after all, we decided to clean every inch of the place and rearrange things and set everything up perfectly. It really feels good to go through everything and make it like new.

We took everything out of the cabinets in the kitchen and out of the fridge and placed it all in the living room. 

Then we cleaned and put everything back.

It was good to throw out things that expired in 2009 and to dust and wipe and rearrange drawers. You find some crazy sh!t. Like these knives. Or whatever they are.

This morning, I think Herbert knew we were thinking of getting rid of him due to “failure to thrive”—Every time we come close to throwing him out or giving him away, he does something to remind me he’s a living thing, like try music therapy.

Today we begin work on the living room. Wish me luck!