November was quite month. Yes, it was hectic but it was also full of lots of sweet stuff. It started with a friend’s wedding and then there were some great events in the mix, plus a long Thanksgiving weekend away with my family. Behind the scenes I have been working on a couple larger consulting projects and recording exciting new content to promote my book, plus planning events for the launch! 

I also had a birthday. It’s Sagittarius season, and even though I usually have no idea what I want for my birthday (besides new sneakers and a massage) this year is different. It would be the most amazing birthday gift ever if you would check out and preorder my book, The Little Book Of Game Changers: 50 Healthy Habits for Managing Stress & Anxiety (Viva Editions).  You can read all about it on my Book page or on Amazon. 

As I usually share in my monthly round-up, here’s a little peek at some of my recent publications and media appearances. 


November 2019 Media

Michelin Guide:

Forbes logo



Quoted In:



Andy Cohen Says He Lost 12 Pounds In 3 Months By Cutting Out Alcohol 


Women’s Health

