So I’m sure you’ve noticed that things have been looking a little different around here. A blog redesign was a long time coming—thank you so much for the kind words about the new look and feel. I was super-nervous about taking the leap and seeking out a designer who knows what they’re doing, but sometimes when the signs point to “yes,” you have to get out of your own way and just go with it.

Something else that’s been almost impossible to keep quiet about on the blog is that I’m starting a new job! Though I’ve only been at the facility where I’ve worked as a clinical dietitian for only eight months, I was offered an opportunity to work somewhere that has been on my professional wish list a long time. My new schedule will also leave more room in my week for blogging, freelancing, and what I love most: working with clients one-on-one. For those outside the NYC area, I also do sessions via Skype, gchat, and phone if you’re interested in working together. On top of all that, I have some fun workshops, conferences, and events coming up in the next few months that I can’t wait to tell you about. 

If there is one thing I’ve learned in the past year or two, it’s that you shouldn’t keep your wishes a total secret—fearlessly pursuing your passions is how you manifest those goals. It doesn’t mean you have to broadcast every nitty-gritty detail to the world, but you can—and should—acknowledge what you want and know that we all deserve to have the life we aspire to. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, but it’s important to take a step back and remember that we can never truly see the whole picture of someone else’s experience, and that we are all on our own path—and that is very okay.

champagne glassesI was just talking about this with a friend this weekend: 2014 is going to be a good one, and not just because 2013 was so rough that anything would be better. If nothing else, make this the year you stop apologizing for what you want. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have or feeling guilty for not being able to simply enjoy what you do have, affirm what you desire and go get it.

So, cheers to all that.

Do you ever find yourself apologizing when you shouldn’t? What’s one of your goals?