So, um….March, I don’t even know where to begin. After wrapping up a bunch of big projects, events, and travel in February, I was looking forward to a little quiet to catch my breath a bit. Careful what you wish for, I guess. 


It is funny how things go, though—I’d been worried about finding time to finish creating and launch my online course, Break The Stress Eating Cycle, and suddenly—BAM—tons of time. Similar to how I dove into writing The Little Book of Game Changers right after my dad died, I poured a ton of energy into getting this course up and running to share with you. I grieve and process by getting to work, and I am so excited to share this with you. 


When I began work on it early this year, I had no idea what was ahead. An April launch was the goal but I found myself wanting to push it back because I didn’t feel ready. Then the pandemic hit and I was so inundated by messages from people struggling with stress eating while sheltering in place, that I decided to go ahead with the original plan and kick off the course on April 13th—but to offer it at a big discount, given the economic uncertainty we’re dealing with right now. You can learn more about it and snag your spot here.  


I may have written a book about stress management, but that doesn’t mean I never feel stressed. I’ve been taking a lot of my own advice these days. The biggest help for me, personally, has been meditation. Thank goodness for headphones and ear buds. Two humans and two cats in a studio apartment means getting creative with how you make “space” and carve out alone time, but every day is an adventure as we do our part to help flatten the curve! 

These are scary times, and I want you to know that if you’re struggling with stress, you don’t have to go it alone. I hope you’ll join us. 


As I do every month, here’s a look at some recent publications and media appearances. I had thought that March would be quiet, but it turned out to be one of my busiest.  


March 2020 Media




How We’ll Live Podcast



Beyond The To-Do List Podcast




The Weekly Walk Podcast



Simple Habit




Quoted in:


Mindbodygreen :




Women’s Health:



Prevention :


Tasty Bytes


Simple Habit blog:


Freshly Blog