It’s not just my New York sticker-shock-jaded brain talking: in the good ol’ U.S. of A, five dollars rarely buys you a filling meal—unless you’re willing to put in the time and elbow grease to turn a few humble ingredients into something. Think: soup, pasta, a lot of peanut butter sandwiches…

However, I’m sure I’m not alone in rolling my eyes over the fact that it’s not uncommon for to spend five dollars on, like, a Greek yogurt, a piece of fruit, and (maybe, depending on the priciness of the deli/convenience store/kiosk) a coffee. Kombucha, one of my guilty pleasures, sets me back around $3.50 a piece. To my credit, it’s not like I’m trying to feed a family, but still…

I always find it fascinating to see what a certain amount of money can purchase in other places. This video from Buzzfeed gives you a little glimpse into how much food that five dollars can buy around the world…

When it comes to food, what do you spend $5 on?