Color therapy (aka chromotherapy) is sometimes used to alter people’s emotional and even physical health through exposure to certain colors. Though most psychologists are pretty skeptical about these effects, I think we all have certain associations with the different colors, and there has been quite a lot of research done to measure people’s reactions to various shades.

While I wouldn’t go so far as to purchase a set of color therapy glasses (though the idea of walking around in purple aviators sounds kind of fun and ridiculous), I definitely feel like warm colors such as orange and yellow perk me up a little in the winter months. Recently, I’ve noticed myself leaning towards bright colors when putting together meals and snacks. New York is dreary enough in January—anything to keep things interesting!

Broiled Grapefruit

Yellow Split Pea Soup with lots of turmeric

a colorful diner salad

Unusually good blueberries brighten up oatmeal

Another mood and health boost—physical activity. Surprise, surprise. Yet another study has shown that even small bursts of activity may be beneficial and that sitting for long periods of time is bad even for folks who routinely go to the gym. I have to say, though, a walk around the block or even getting up to go refill my water glass tends to be more energizing than another giant cup of coffee.

What are some of your wintertime stay-sane strategies? Do you find yourself ever gravitating towards certain color foods?