One of my favorite parts of my job is that I get to go to all kinds of health and fitness events and meet people doing cool stuff in the wellness world. This summer I had the privilege of meeting Alex Blodgett of Revere at an event held at Uplift Studios (for any of my NYC ladies, put this place on your must-go list). Revere plant-based pre- and post-workout nutrition supplements . You can build your own routine or answer a few questions about your workout habits and and lifestyle to have a package created for you. What I really liked about Revere was the focus on personalization. I also appreciated the fact that there were nutrition experts closely involved in the development of this product. Again, I love to be able to remind my fellow RDs and all those nutrition students out there that we can do so much with those dietitian-nutritionist credentials!

I was super-excited that Alex was game for a little career Q & A. Today I’m sharing her story—and a special gift from Revere.

Alexandra Blodgett

Alex Blodgett

-Could you tell us a little about your career path and what inspired you to start Revere?

I never thought I would go into the fitness world. I was not a jock in high school, I have terrible hand-eye coordination and was typically picked last for kickball in PE! But as I slowly but surely became obsessed with spinning as a “grown up” I realized how much I had missed out on as a kid. My partners and I started our spin studios (Cyc Fitness) originally as a place for college kids to be social, without having to get wasted at the bars to meet others.

We then realized that young millennials wanted social experiences in the larger cities as well, so we came to NYC. It was in New York that I was able to spend the most time with our riders. Every day I was asked, what should I eat before a workout, what should I take afterwards? The link between fitness and nutrition is confusing! It was after watching countless people drink chemical-laden “protein shakes” or “green” juices that were actually laced with tons of hidden sugars that something clicked. I couldn’t stand by and watch our riders unknowingly undo all the hard work they had just put in, or even worse, pollute their bodies in the name of getting a six-pack. So the dream to create natural fitness nutrition, began right in our studio.


-There was a lot of work with nutrition experts in the development of Revere products. Can you tell us a little bit about their role? 

My partners and I knew that we wanted to create healthy nutrition specifically based around fitness, but we also knew that we had to get the smartest, most well-respected RD’s,PhD’s and performance specialists in the industry to create our formulations. We leaned on [them] for their knowledge of emerging issues and trends, specifically people’s desires for plant-based nutrition.


-What are some mistakes you see people make or things you’ve noticed people are confused about when it comes to food and fitness?

I think the number one thing people underestimate is how important it is to get the right fuel into your body before you workout. If you’re not putting the proper nutrition in, you can’t get the same performance out. You need energy!


-What are some of your favorite types of exercise?

I love spinning of course, I’m also a huge fan of y7 Hip Hop Yoga.


-What advice would you give someone who wants to start working out but is intimidated or not sure where to begin?

I think the best advice is to remember that no one is really watching you, so you can go at your own pace. I always used to feel self-conscious. I would worry that people on the yoga mat next to me would be annoyed if I was doing the wrong moves, or the person at the gym next to me was judging my form—but really, everyone is so into their own workouts that they’re not paying attention to anyone else.


-As an entrepreneur are there any things you wish had known when you were just starting out?

So many things! But the number one thing I’ve learned is that if you don’t surround yourself with people who share your vision, and have your back, then a business can never work. Our Revere family is super close. When I fall down, Matt and Jasper pick me up. And vice versa. We debate for sure, but it’s always with respect and kindness, and typically we come to the same conclusion.


-Any tips for fitting self-care like exercise and healthy eating into your week?

If I don’t workout in the morning, I’m much less likely to have a good day. I feel so happy and energized after a workout that I can better focus. I used to be so hungry and have an energy crash after a morning workout, because I was always rushing to the office. I never had time to stop for a meal,. Revere’s Post-Workout packets not only help me avoid that crash because of their energizing nutrients (the sweet potato powder is great for sustained energy), but they also satiate me until my next meal so I don’t make bad decisions.

Revere Welcome Kit

-What are some of your favorite Revere products?

I’m obsessed with our Pre-Energy Peach Tea packets. I never thought I would be the person drinking a Pre-Workout drink because I associated them with sketchy products [in stores].  But, our packets are filled with natural ingredients like beetroot,  which…brings more oxygen into your bloodstream, actually making running feel easier, so I can go longer and faster. It’s awesome.


-Where do you draw inspiration from?

Right now I’m drawing inspiration from all the trainers in NYC I see hustling hard to create careers in helping others. I am in touch with so many, and amazed by their dedication. This is a very tough industry, especially now with social media demands and the intense competition between studios and gyms. Again and again I am amazed by all the hard working go-getters out there building their own personal brands.

I laugh now because I can always spot a trainer on the subway. In workout gear, often with a big gym bag, hopefully holding a Revere water bottle, running from one studio to the next or one client to the next. They have to be “on” all the time, not to mention the physical exhaustion of teaching early in the AM, late into the PM. They are definitely my inspiration, it’s hard enough getting through a class, I can’t imagine teaching one!

Thank you, Alex!!!

If you’re curious to try Revere for yourself, the company is offering a special gift! You can get two weeks free when you use this code to sign up: RevCording


How do you fit exercise into your week? 


This has been another installment of the Running with Spoons Thinking Out Loud link party, where randomness is the name of the game. Thanks to Amanda for hosting.