Do you ever make breakfast for dinner? I go through phases where I get to the end of the day, and all I want is something I’d order for brunch. Though eggs are usually a staple breakfast-for-dinner food at my place, I recently realized that French toast can be great too.

not gonna win any beauty contest, but hey…

I recently made ricotta-stuffed French toast, which sounds super-decadent, but actually, if you use skim milk and low-or-non-fat ricotta and cooking spray instead of butter, is fairly reasonable. I used whole wheat bread, but any kind would work. As far as toppings go, I heated up some frozen berries and added a teaspoon of high-quality maple syrup. A little goes a long way on a small plate, just saying. 

Because I’m weird, I had a salad on the side because it’s still not dinner to me without vegetables. Why not? It’s all about balance.

Do you ever eat breakfast for dinner?