I think this is the first New Years Eve I’ve worked in recent memory, maybe ever, since I was in school and on vacation for a lot of that recent memory. Today happens to be the first day of my Burn rotation, but then I’m off tomorrow and Wednesday, so I’m planning to get out and enjoy myself with some friends, maybe even (gasp!) put on a pair of high heels.

For those of you planning to celebrate with a few (or many) adult beverages, here’s a little post I wrote last year on pre-toxing. A little hot water & lemon the  next morning couldn’t hurt either. Certain foods are also thought to bring good luck if eaten on New Years Day.

And here, to give you a little dose of cute to start your day with, are Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt.

What are you doing for New Years Eve? Any favorite New Years Day rituals?