So I may have also bought this at Trader Joe’s over the weekend.

pumpkin ravioliMy palms will surely be orange in no time (hello, beta-carotene) and then I’ll back off, but for now I’m enjoying all this pumpkin and pumpkin spice business–except the super-sweet stuff in the manner of Starbucks lattes—I like my coffee dark and bitter (like my heart).

Speaking of pumpkin spice, this Onion article was floating around Facebook the other day, and I needed to share. Yep, another Onion post. The idea of seasonal pornography is freaking hilarious to me. Who am I kidding—it probably already exists.

If the Onion ever wants to add a Health/Wellness or a Food & Wine section, they should seriously call me. Few things would make me as happy as writing nutritional satire. I’d probably need a pseudonym though. Hm…the Dark-Hearted RD? (see above).

If you could have any other job, what would it be? What’s your current pumpkin fix of choice? Any pseudonym suggestions? What would yours be?