I know I briefly mentioned this in my recent media round-up, and I am so excited to share that I’ve partnered with Simple Habit, a meditation app designed to help busy people stress less, achieve more, and live better. Through my guided meditations, my hope is to provide listeners with resources to help them stay on track towards their healthy living goals. I’ll be creating content to help you tune into their body and its needs, and I plan on exploring topics like body positivity, pregnancy, postpartum, and eating disorder recovery.

My inaugural meditation with Simple Habit focuses on food cravings. In it, I remind listeners to check in with their body when food cravings set in in order to uncover the origins of these urges, and to learn how to respond to them with mindfulness. I hope you’ll take a listen – food cravings is a topic my clients and I speak about often, and as I do in one-to-one sessions, in this meditation, I offer tangible ways to address them successfully by becoming curious rather than critical. I’ve also got a brand new series coming up to help you crush your weight loss goals. 

Mindfulness has helped me learn to navigate stressful and challenging experiences, so it is my hope that the short meditation breaks offered by Simple Habit will help you as well. Sometimes, even a few minutes of quiet reflection can make a huge difference in your day!

Curious to know more about me and my work with Simple Habit? Click here to read about my background and here to learn more about me through a fun Q&A.
