Happy Sunday! Hope you’re been enjoying a lovely weekend. I’ve been happy to spend some time catching up with friends—and on projects.

I have a recipe coming your way soon too. It calls for a dusting of chocolate shavings. I didn’t have the patience to get out a knife and deal with cleanup, so this happened:

chocolate and hammer

This is actually one of my favorite ways to make chocolate chips/chunks/pieces because you just hammer the chocolate while it’s still in the wrapper so then you can just open the package and pour into a dish without making a mess. This is such a typical sagittarius way to do things.  Hey, whatever works.

Here’s my weekly little gratitude list…

*Spending time with the family over the long weekend. My sister even took a picture with me! I love how we accidentally match. She’s my hero for being able to make a yellow dress and a sea foam green dress look chic together. I have always admired her sense of style. I just throw on a neutral, add big jewelry, and hope for the best.

sisters in shades

*I’m not one to wish away time, but I am so happy to be moving into the warmer months as we get to summer and away from spring, which is my least favorite season. Transitions are really hard for me, and late March through early May can be difficult to navigate, between wishy-washy weather, bad anniversaries, and that seasonal restlessness that tends to set it. Add being 29 to the mix and it’s a recipe for #omgsomanyfeelings.

Fortunately, I saw it coming this year and got right to work addressing changes I wanted to make and setting things up for how I want my life to look. I’ve been so busy, I’ve hardly had time to feel the usual angst. That feels like a good thing, so I’m just gonna roll with it. It’s been kind of amazing to see what happens when you put your energy and best intentions into something—good lesson to keep in mind for the next time I need a reminder.

*Sometimes being busy and running around a lot means dinner at my desk. This rarely sucks, though, especially now that the light stays pretty longer. Here’s a favorite random desk dinner from this week:

random desk dinner

This is a soft-boiled egg on a spinach pancake, a baby kale & radicchio salad, and a steamed sweet potato with goat cheese. Totally hit the spot while catching up with Rise clients after an evening yoga class.

*Oats eaten out of an almost-empty peanut butter jar also happened this week. It was wonderful as always.


*I am loving my new camera. It’s made recipe-testing so much more fun!

*Went to a great Women Who Brunch event yesterday. I learned a ton, and it was wonderful to see some familiar faces and meet some cool, new ladies. I feel so lucky to be the age I am now, with so many amazing ways to network with other women pursuing what they’re passionate about. I may catch flack from the gentlemen folk sometimes for being “too career-focused,” but honestly, who needs chatting online with hot babes* all day?

Especially when you have exchanges like this with said hot babes: dietitian spelled wrong

I’m too snarky for my own good, probably, but I’m sure there are worse things.

*Cheers to giving yourself permission to quit something (again) when it stops being enjoyable.

What’s brought you joy this week?